
Help us help our fellow Veterans!

Help support veterans.Your tax-deductible contribution to American Legion helps provide support and assistance to veterans, military personnel, families and our local community.

To Donate to the American Legion Post 137 directly, Please contact:

Post Commander, Bob Lehman at (406) 253-4238 or Adjutant Ron Boespflug at (541) 999-7790; or, Make your donation to “American Legion Post 137” and mail to:

American Legion Post 137, P.O. Box 10164, Kalispell, MT 59904

Veterans have served and continue to serve in harm’s way. The American Legion Legionnaires are ALL Veterans that have also served or are serving Patriotically the United States of America in the Armed Forces.

Your Generous Donation to the American Legion Post 137 is both a Blessing and greatly appreciated. Post 137 serves Kalispell and the Flathead Valley.